
Is America Headed for Bankruptcy?

Elon Musk posted on X today in reply to a Heritage Foundation economist, saying that “America is headed for bankruptcy fyi.” The economist asked the question “How did we get here?” To which he answered the following: Two men: FDR and Richard Nixon. Together, they broke the dollar. And put the American people into debt slavery. I tweeted back to …

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Gold and the Elephant In the Room

We are setting up for a disastrous next year for the markets but the markets don’t sense it yet. The stronger dollar will be retaliated by China soon enough and we have been here before. The Fed just doesn’t seem to get it with their 3 more rate hike talk. And those who trade the markets ignore the fact that this …

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Youth Unemployment and their Future in America and Abroad

I’m going to go a little off topic today, but still related to issues that are occurring in this world. I want to address the youth. I believe that it may make sense for you to send this email to your kids and grandkids with the goal of helping them become more aware of where we are, and to fight …

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The Illusion of an Economic Recovery

The Fed and many economists seem to think the economy is strong, but is it? My Thoughts on the Economy Based on the Data I Read The Fed ignores U-6 unemployment data which still has the rate over 11%. The Producers Price Index (PPI) today came in lower than expected. The Dollar is down $1 and fell since the PPI …

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Bernanke and the Fed Will Do Anything to Save the Banks Under the Guise of Reducing Unemployment

In 2010 I openly challenged Gerald Celente’s call for the “Crash of 2010.” When I revisited this crash non-event at the end of 2010, I predicted that 2011 would be a good year for stocks. It was as U.S. stocks out-shined the world as being one of the only markets higher that year with the DOW moving 5.5% higher as …

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On and On – The Fed Keeps On Failing

Whether it’s Bernanke and Geithner, today or Greenspan and Snow of years  past, the Fed will always do what they do best, interfere in the markets. But how effective are they? Author’s Note: Seeking Alpha, a financial website, did not allow this article to be posted on their site. They claim they are not biased against gold, but their editors …

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4 Reasons There Will Be Future QE And A Higher Price For Gold and Silver

There has been talk of late that the Fed could put end to quantitative easing (QE) early. This article will address the probability of future QE and list four problem areas where the Fed may have to return to their hat and see just how many quantitative easing rabbit’s are left in it that can fool the investing public into …

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Does Real Estate Or Gold Have A Bright Future?

  Every once in awhile, I keep tabs on what’s going on with real estate. I have friends and clients who will ask me my thoughts and I try to analyze what’s going on in real estate with a non-biased approach, say as opposed to your typical real estate agent. I approach gold and silver the same way, sometimes giving …

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Do You Buy Real Estate Now or Wait? Part 2/3

Government and Fed intervention wreaks havoc in the real estate market. We have historically low interest rates to consider whether to buy real estate now or wait.

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