
How To Buy Gold and Silver in an IRA

Many investors are not aware that you can invest in gold and silver through your IRA with an IRA transfer from your current bank or brokerage account. Or if you have a 401k from a prior company, a 401k rollover into a precious metals IRA can be done by filling out a few forms. Many investors know why gold and …

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Free Copy of Buy Gold and Silver Safely and New Book Announcement

The reason you have seen fewer posts by me is I have been working on my new book How To Profit In Up and Down Markets which will be out soon. I will be back to normal posting soon. Meanwhile, I am giving you a free copy of my book Buy Gold and Silver Safely (2018). Free Copy of Buy …

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Is The National Debt Irrelevant And Gold A Barbarous Relic?

Synopsis Presidents campaign on promises to reduce an out of control national debt yet the debt keeps marching higher during every Presidents term. The National Debt has been irrelevant since the times of even before Reagan but escalated with Reagan. Why doesn’t the national debt matter? What will Fed interest rate policy be moving forward? Some mock gold as a …

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Gold Flies Higher As Incompetent Fed Raises Rates

What a day for gold and especially gold mining stocks! We can thank the incompetent Fed for this as the dollar fell hard today and precious metals shot higher. Below you will find my professional analysis of today’s events with an expectation of a bottom being in for now with gold, silver and mining stocks. But we are not out …

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Gold One More Leg Higher and the Case for A Last Leg Lower

As predicted in my Current Thoughts, the Fed did not raise interest rates and Yellen once again has egg on her face from last December where the Fed was scheduled to have 3 or 4 more rate increases for 2016. Now there may be zero rate increases if what I foresee occurring in the economy takes place. What this means …

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Is Gold Going To Move Higher Or Lower From Here?

  You’ll notice that gold and silver are a bit more volatile of  late. This is what happens when you have buyers and sellers in conflict with each other. It should also precede the next move in the metals. The question remains, will that move be a bit higher or are we topping? Let’s look at each scenario and see …

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The Dollar and Gold Inverse Relationship Still Matters – For Now

From my Current Thoughts on 3/24 I put up a chart of the dollar and said: “Today was a consolidation day before the next move, which can still go either way.” We have seen the dollar since fall and gold take off higher with today’s move a significant one. Yes, for now, the dollar still matters. We have to let …

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Why Harry Dent’s Call For Gold To Go To $250 Is Wrong

Harry Dent has been negative on gold and has has some debates with some gold bulls like Peter Schiff where I agree with Dent’s deflationary take on the economy. You can listen to that Dent/Schiff interview here (or copy and paste this link into your browser: ). Harry Dent’s latest article Gold $5,000: Maybe When You’re Dead! calls for gold to fall …

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Gold and Silver Current Thoughts 9-13-2015 Fed Decision Edition

Today you are receiving a peak into my thoughts for the coming Fed Meeting announcement on interest rates that is coming Friday Sept. 17th. Expect a wild and crazy week. My expectations for the Fed and the markets are below. On Friday 9/11 I sent out a morning update where I said the following; “Dollar up a little and gold …

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Data is Dead; All Hail the Fed!

What Does this Data Tell Us? Does the Market Care? All the market cares about is what a few words from the Fed meeting say tomorrow, not what the data tells us. That’s what we’ll find out tomorrow with the results of a two day Fed meeting culminating in an announcement about the future of interest rates. Traders and markets …

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