
Will the U.S. Follow Argentina’s Disastrous Inflation?

If you wanted to destroy the currency of a nation, there is no better way to do it than collectively have other nations band together and create their own monetary system and shun the dollar. That’s exactly what BRICS, an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are doing. But it doesn’t stop there. Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, …

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What’s Not To Like About the Current Stock Market?

What’s not to like about the current stock market? Some food for thought for readers as you be the judge on whether taking profit soon is advisable. Worst case I would think an investor should use trailing stops with their current trades. I can still defend reasoning for long term investors to be somewhat cautious versus bullish at present no …

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Gold Flies Higher As Incompetent Fed Raises Rates

What a day for gold and especially gold mining stocks! We can thank the incompetent Fed for this as the dollar fell hard today and precious metals shot higher. Below you will find my professional analysis of today’s events with an expectation of a bottom being in for now with gold, silver and mining stocks. But we are not out …

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Gold One More Leg Higher and the Case for A Last Leg Lower

As predicted in my Current Thoughts, the Fed did not raise interest rates and Yellen once again has egg on her face from last December where the Fed was scheduled to have 3 or 4 more rate increases for 2016. Now there may be zero rate increases if what I foresee occurring in the economy takes place. What this means …

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Gold and Silver Current Thoughts 9-23-2015 – Debt vs Growth

Gold started the day down and then moved higher today and settled lower. The dollar was the key in gold’s movement and received some bad data on the economy today that gave the yellow metal a boost in the morning, but that was it. From there gold meandered the rest of the day, as without any negative news it simply …

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Gold and Silver Current Thoughts 6-30-2015

Gold and silver started the day lower, tried to make a run higher and ended up back to the lows of the day. I want to remind gold bulls what stage we are in with gold. Richard Russell sums it up best (and I mentioned this in my book, Buy Gold and Silver Safely. I believe gold is in a …

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The Illusion of an Economic Recovery

The Fed and many economists seem to think the economy is strong, but is it? My Thoughts on the Economy Based on the Data I Read The Fed ignores U-6 unemployment data which still has the rate over 11%. The Producers Price Index (PPI) today came in lower than expected. The Dollar is down $1 and fell since the PPI …

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The Dollar Has Not Crashed Like Gold Bulls Thought It Would

It is easy to convince people of all the problems with the U.S. economy. We do have over $17.7 Trillion of national debt and a Federal Reserve with a suspect balance sheet compared to its pre-2008 financial crisis balance sheet. We also have budget deficits for the next decade to deal with and unfunded liabilities in the 10’s of trillions. …

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