
Is America Headed for Bankruptcy?

Elon Musk posted on X today in reply to a Heritage Foundation economist, saying that “America is headed for bankruptcy fyi.” The economist asked the question “How did we get here?” To which he answered the following: Two men: FDR and Richard Nixon. Together, they broke the dollar. And put the American people into debt slavery. I tweeted back to …

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U.S. Budget Deficit Says Gold Going Much Higher But You Most Likely Need More

Many of you invest in gold for different reasons. Some as insurance for the collapse of the dollar. Some for reasons it is beaten down and taking profit from stocks to put into gold from an asset allocation move for your portfolio. But what is it that is the eventual collapse of all currencies throughout the history of mankind? It …

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What’s Next for Gold and the Markets and Rand Paul’s Epic Speech

Gold is hitting the bottom of it’s current downturn and is ready for a big move up. We have had some bad days for the stock market the last week and gold mining stocks got hit pretty hard too. But physical gold didn’t even break $1,300 on the downside. It is showing resilience despite most everything else selling off, like …

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National Debt Surpasses $20 Trillion and Gold Falls

Something doesn’t quite seem right, does it? The S&P rises to a record high and at the same time the National Debt surpasses $20 Trillion and gold falls from $1,339.30 to $1,325.60. What does CNBC say about the National Debt milestone? Nothing. It’s as if debts and deficits don’t matter to Wall St. Party on! Special shout out to the …

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Gold and Silver Current Thoughts 9-23-2015 – Debt vs Growth

Gold started the day down and then moved higher today and settled lower. The dollar was the key in gold’s movement and received some bad data on the economy today that gave the yellow metal a boost in the morning, but that was it. From there gold meandered the rest of the day, as without any negative news it simply …

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Gold and Silver Current Thoughts 7-5-2015 (Greece edition)

From the Trading Desk Despite the long weekend coming up in the US in celebration of July 4th, gold traded with decent volume today on the Comex electronic exchange.  Better than expected US employment figures contributed to gold trending lower for the third day in a row.  Surprisingly, Greece defaulting on its payment to the International Monetary Fund has done …

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Gold and Silver Are Insurance against $17 Trillion of National Debt and More

Gold and Silver Are Insurance Against $17 Trillion of National Debt Investing in physical gold and silver is not a profit driven investment. It is a mindset. It gives investors the same type of peace of mind that protects their wealth they receive by insuring their home, auto or health…just in case something happens where they need it. What other …

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Sell Gold To Buy Silver In Your IRA?

There are many reasons to buy gold and silver as insurance for one’s exposure to currency risk, but of the two major monetary metals, which one makes more sense to buy today, gold or silver? This article will analyze whether there should be a switch from gold to silver based on the current gold/silver ratio and other reasoning. Note: While …

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Is The Gold Community A Cult?

I recently was involved in a discussion centered around the gold community and their constant talk of manipulation and price suppression. There are some of us in the gold community who understand gold’s place in a diversified portfolio (insurance), have been recommending dollar cost averaging into a position for their clients rather than “all in” like most others who fear …

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