
Is America Headed for Bankruptcy?

Elon Musk posted on X today in reply to a Heritage Foundation economist, saying that “America is headed for bankruptcy fyi.” The economist asked the question “How did we get here?” To which he answered the following: Two men: FDR and Richard Nixon. Together, they broke the dollar. And put the American people into debt slavery. I tweeted back to …

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What’s Going On With Gold and the Stock Market?

Many of you know I started an ETF Trading Service where we profit in up and down markets. But the nightly report I keep improving upon in following the trends and I and those who have subscribed, couldn’t be happier with the results. I keep fine tuning the Trading Rules to protect us from the downside and take advantage of …

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Is Deflation Still a Threat to Gold?

When you talk to investors as to why they buy gold, many look to the precious metal as being a hedge against inflation. But since 2011 we have been experiencing deflation and the yellow metal has felt the affect of an overall declining commodity market. Many that have been relentlessly bullish on gold since 2011 point to inflation in the …

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8 Indicators That Tell Us Where Gold Might Go Next

When trying to advise clients on what to do with their hard earned dollars, especially when I have a natural bias towards gold that is bullish, I look at many indicators that hopefully give me insight on timing the markets. It’s not easy to say “hold off” to clients or to “dollar cost average into a position” but I have …

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Dead Cat Bounce Brought Back to Test April Lows for Gold and Silver as Dollar Moves Higher

Aprils 26, 2013 I wrote an article Gold and Silver Dead Cat Bounce and More Carnage to Come or All In? where I cautioned gold and silver investors that the carnage may not be over. My advice is still to dollar cost average into a position in gold and silver. But after this recent run up in price to the present …

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Economic Data Show Potential Of Stock Market Bubble

The DOW (DIA) and S&P  are breaking new records yet the underlying data doesn’t support such valuation in the markets. What does the underlying data really say about the economy and what effect might this have on stock markets moving forward? The Treasury just came out with their monthly and quarterly economic statistics and data as shown in the following …

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Will the Price of Gold and Silver Keep Falling?

The price of gold and silver are down again today, with the dollar moving higher and precious metals investors are wondering how this can be with a Federal Reserve implementing Quantitative Easing to infinity and a Congress that allows the debt ceiling to keep moving higher and higher. If you had a choice between reducing your spending to live within …

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Thoughts On Gold Price Manipulation

  Something doesn’t add up. On the one hand we have sales of gold American Eagle coins soaring as well as inflows into the 14 U.S. listed precious-metal ETFs like GLD, rising by more than $282 million last week. Yet from the graph below we see the price of gold in the last month and year time-frame has actually turned …

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