
Will a Stock Market Crash Drag Silver and Gold Down?

When you bring up the potential of a market crash occurring, the September to October timeframe is typically when they occur. We have seen crashes in September of 1791 when the First bank of the United States failed. The Panic of 1907 occurred in October. The Wall Street Crash of 1929 was in October. Black Monday was in October of …

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Gold Is Knocked Down, but Not Out

Gold had a range of $10 on Friday, closing down slightly in the middle of that range at a bid of $1,181.30. Silver has been acting weaker than gold the last 30 days, 6.34% lower while gold is down 2.78%. The last year silver is down 18.28% while gold is lower by 7.21%. This is not what investors in gold and …

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Nice Run Up In Gold and Silver Prices – Expect a Pullback

I am spending the next month in seclusion except for gold and silver business, and writing my next book, “Illusions of Wealth” which the timing for couldn’t be better. I will still post articles now and then relevant to the gold and silver markets, but only when I feel necessary to comment. One who invests in gold and silver, need …

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Did Bernanke Implement QE Infinity to Save the Euro?

When the Euro was imploding earlier this year the dollar was the main beneficiary. With all the problems coming from countries like Greece, Portugal, Italy and Spain, the dollar was flew past 80 on the index and the Euro was in fact approaching its mid-2009 lows in the 118/119 range, an area I thought it would reach. But a funny …

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Bernanke and the Fed Will Do Anything to Save the Banks Under the Guise of Reducing Unemployment

In 2010 I openly challenged Gerald Celente’s call for the “Crash of 2010.” When I revisited this crash non-event at the end of 2010, I predicted that 2011 would be a good year for stocks. It was as U.S. stocks out-shined the world as being one of the only markets higher that year with the DOW moving 5.5% higher as …

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Stock Market Bubble and QE3 Surprise

Bernanke is getting his wishes without doing anything. The stock market is in la la land, moving higher today on false consumer confidence hopes based on a Democratic Convention push that has caused consumers to believe the political rhetoric coming from the convention will magically turn this economy around. Richard Russell has called this market action “crazy,” which leads me …

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The Fed Takes Bronze in the Gold and Silver QE3 Race

I will go out on a limb, as I always do, and predict something most won’t expect to come tomorrow’s Federal Reserve decision on whether to implement QE3 or not. I don’t think they will. My reasoning is based more on credibility than it is on anything else. The Fed has to maintain the perception that they are in control. …

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Deflation, The Banking Crisis And Why Gold Will Rebound

For years now I have been listening to the inflation/deflation debate and unlike many of the gold dealers, I have been in the deflationary camp as I wrote about in my book Buy Gold and Silver Safely. The following articles can all be found at the Buy Gold and Silver Safely website. They detail my views as to why I …

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When There Is Blood On The Streets Buy Gold Part 2

Continued from Part 1 Most reading this might not realize that the Fed secretly gave banks and other countries $7.7 trillion during the 2008 financial crisis.   The Federal Reserve and the big banks fought for more than two years to keep details of the largest bailout in U.S. history a secret. Now, the rest of the world can see …

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