
Is America Headed for Bankruptcy?

Elon Musk posted on X today in reply to a Heritage Foundation economist, saying that “America is headed for bankruptcy fyi.” The economist asked the question “How did we get here?” To which he answered the following: Two men: FDR and Richard Nixon. Together, they broke the dollar. And put the American people into debt slavery. I tweeted back to …

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Will the U.S. Follow Argentina’s Disastrous Inflation?

If you wanted to destroy the currency of a nation, there is no better way to do it than collectively have other nations band together and create their own monetary system and shun the dollar. That’s exactly what BRICS, an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are doing. But it doesn’t stop there. Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, …

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Will the Dollar Crash?

This article will dive into the question on whether the dollar will crash as so many have predicted over the years. What it will point out is what I wrote about in my book Illusions of Wealth, that all fiat currencies eventually go to zero. Why? Because governments screw them up. But for now, the dollar is still king of …

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Will There Be Enough Physical Gold And Silver?

Warren Buffett Incorrect Observations On Gold. When we finally do get the spike up in metals, will supply be an issue? The psychology of your average buyer of metals. Why it makes sense to have some insurance now in physical metals. When it comes to the gold supply, you must remember the old saying, and I think this saying has …

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Is Gold Going To Move Higher Or Lower From Here?

  You’ll notice that gold and silver are a bit more volatile of  late. This is what happens when you have buyers and sellers in conflict with each other. It should also precede the next move in the metals. The question remains, will that move be a bit higher or are we topping? Let’s look at each scenario and see …

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Data is Dead; All Hail the Fed!

What Does this Data Tell Us? Does the Market Care? All the market cares about is what a few words from the Fed meeting say tomorrow, not what the data tells us. That’s what we’ll find out tomorrow with the results of a two day Fed meeting culminating in an announcement about the future of interest rates. Traders and markets …

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The Dollar Has Not Crashed Like Gold Bulls Thought It Would

It is easy to convince people of all the problems with the U.S. economy. We do have over $17.7 Trillion of national debt and a Federal Reserve with a suspect balance sheet compared to its pre-2008 financial crisis balance sheet. We also have budget deficits for the next decade to deal with and unfunded liabilities in the 10’s of trillions. …

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The Federal Reserve – Lender and Buyer of Last Resort

Can the Federal Reserve save the U.S. economy from failure? Is this their mandate? When you research “lender of last resort (LLR),” which is what the Fed is supposed to be, you mostly find the source to be Walter Bagehot’s Lender of Last Resort Doctrine.  This doctrine came about from Bagehot’s book, Lombard Street: A Description of the Money Market. Hartley Withers, in …

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Gold and Silver Are Insurance against $17 Trillion of National Debt and More

Gold and Silver Are Insurance Against $17 Trillion of National Debt Investing in physical gold and silver is not a profit driven investment. It is a mindset. It gives investors the same type of peace of mind that protects their wealth they receive by insuring their home, auto or health…just in case something happens where they need it. What other …

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Sell Gold To Buy Silver In Your IRA?

There are many reasons to buy gold and silver as insurance for one’s exposure to currency risk, but of the two major monetary metals, which one makes more sense to buy today, gold or silver? This article will analyze whether there should be a switch from gold to silver based on the current gold/silver ratio and other reasoning. Note: While …

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