
Why Gold and Silver Prices are Declining Along with Dollar

Today we saw gold and silver take a big hit. Normally this would be the result of a stronger dollar, but the dollar also took a big hit today. So what’s really going on here? Why are gold and silver prices falling along with the dollar of late? I wrote the article Thoughts On Gold Price Manipulation the day before …

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Thoughts On Gold Price Manipulation

  Something doesn’t add up. On the one hand we have sales of gold American Eagle coins soaring as well as inflows into the 14 U.S. listed precious-metal ETFs like GLD, rising by more than $282 million last week. Yet from the graph below we see the price of gold in the last month and year time-frame has actually turned …

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Turning Paper Into Gold Part 1

I have seen many more investors coming to us, saying they are selling their gold (GLD) and silver (SLV) ETFs and wanting to buy physical gold and silver. What would be there reasoning to do so? One reason is that gold and silver ETFs should be viewed as trading vehicles and not counted as real wealth ownership. Here is what …

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The Fed Takes Bronze in the Gold and Silver QE3 Race

I will go out on a limb, as I always do, and predict something most won’t expect to come tomorrow’s Federal Reserve decision on whether to implement QE3 or not. I don’t think they will. My reasoning is based more on credibility than it is on anything else. The Fed has to maintain the perception that they are in control. …

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Is This The Bottom For Gold And Silver Prices?

While we are taking the brunt of the bad European news now, and gold and silver prices are taking a beating, the good news will be coming at some point between now and November as we gear up for the coming election. As long as the stock market continues to falter, Obama will indeed play the QE3 card. Since the …

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New Currency The Barackazillion – The Only Currency You’ll Ever Need

Introducing; the Barackazillion – The Only Currency You Will Ever Need – go to and watch the video. “Money We Can Believe In” “As Good As Gold” For those who lean left, I would have done the same thing for Bush had I thought of it then – I am neither left nor right in my political views. I …

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Failed European Bank Stress Tests Offer Even More Reasons To Own Physical Gold and Silver

One by one, country by country, the Eurozone’s PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain) are succumbing to the excesses of the credit expansion era that saw out of control government spending and banks lending to businesses and consumers who now can’t pay the loans back. At the same time, the traditional way banks make profit has also disappeared as …

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