
Is America Headed for Bankruptcy?

Elon Musk posted on X today in reply to a Heritage Foundation economist, saying that “America is headed for bankruptcy fyi.” The economist asked the question “How did we get here?” To which he answered the following: Two men: FDR and Richard Nixon. Together, they broke the dollar. And put the American people into debt slavery. I tweeted back to …

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U.S. Budget Deficit Says Gold Going Much Higher But You Most Likely Need More

Many of you invest in gold for different reasons. Some as insurance for the collapse of the dollar. Some for reasons it is beaten down and taking profit from stocks to put into gold from an asset allocation move for your portfolio. But what is it that is the eventual collapse of all currencies throughout the history of mankind? It …

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8 Indicators That Tell Us Where Gold Might Go Next

When trying to advise clients on what to do with their hard earned dollars, especially when I have a natural bias towards gold that is bullish, I look at many indicators that hopefully give me insight on timing the markets. It’s not easy to say “hold off” to clients or to “dollar cost average into a position” but I have …

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New Currency The Barackazillion – The Only Currency You’ll Ever Need

Introducing; the Barackazillion – The Only Currency You Will Ever Need – go to http://barackazillion.com/ and watch the video. “Money We Can Believe In” “As Good As Gold” For those who lean left, I would have done the same thing for Bush had I thought of it then – I am neither left nor right in my political views. I …

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How Gold Would Be Used In Hyperinflation

Gold, during the time of a hyperinflation scenario, unlike paper money, would be “perceived” as having value as it has for centuries. The U.S. dollar however, wouldn’t have any perceived value under this scenario. So a better question to answer would be, what would you use as a medium of exchange sans gold since no one will want U.S. dollars?

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Gold and the EURO Connection; Another Nail in the U.S. Dollar Coffin?

Another story was developing at this time; the EURO had bounced off its lows and become a much stronger currency. As the dollar was sinking from its high in 2002, and the uncertainty of what affect Central Bank sales would have on the price of gold, the EURO became the only other “safe haven” in the mind of those who were looking to get out of the dollar.

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