
Current Gold Price Buy Sell Action and the Biggest Fraud In History (Part 2)

Recent movements in the price of gold have caused me to analyze the gold market taking into account recent news that some call the biggest fraud in history.

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Why Is the U.S. Dollar Price of Gold Falling?

Let’s face it. With yield on treasuries and CD’s so low, those who have lived off of the interest from their various investments have seen their income fall considerably. To prevent having to dip into principal and deplete one’s savings, investors are now choosing to put their money in financial instruments that offer a better return.

But is gold still a good investment?

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Is Gerald Celente Right About the "Crash of 2010?"

My point in critiquing Celente is on the timing of his “crash” prediction, not on whether or not there will be a crash. He will probably take credit for predicting the crash no matter when it occurs, but the reality of it happening in 2010 is a mystery to me, barring any external influences (like WWIII).

I also take issue with his simplistic concept of bringing production (manufacturing) back home” and his “slave labor” comment which I’ll address first.

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The Banking Crisis Is Far From Over Revisited – FDIC Troubles and Bank Shenanigans

While we’re seeing foreclosures occurring today at a higher rate, banks are doing something today that doesn’t seem to be getting much attention. People have stopped paying their mortgages and the banks aren’t foreclosing on many of them.

Why Aren’t Banks Foreclosing on People Who Aren’t Paying Their Mortgages?

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