
Current Gold Price Buy Sell Action and the Biggest Fraud In History (Part 2)

Recent movements in the price of gold have caused me to analyze the gold market taking into account recent news that some call the biggest fraud in history.

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Two Faced Soros Says Gold Is the Ultimate Bubble

But more importantly one must understand that gold is just a shiny rock. How can a shiny rock be in a bubble? It is what the shiny rock is priced in that matters. For U.S. Dollar gold to be in a bubble, this would have to mean that the U.S. Dollar is going to get stronger. Much stronger.

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Gold Below $500 an Ounce?

Gold today is nowhere near bubble status just because there may be many ads on TV trying to get people to turn gold into cash. This current fall in the price of gold isn’t the popping of a bubble because of a temporary dollar rise either. Anyone who understands the economics of it all knows this.

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