
When There Is Blood On The Streets Buy Gold Part 1

Are those that bought gold and silver panicking yet? I would hope not. My advice to dollar cost average into a position is paying off as my prediction of a stronger dollar is coming to fruition. But there are some investors who bought gold or silver the past few months that might be panicking. There is a possibility the blood …

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Only Precious Metals Can Prepare You For The Banking Crisis

What the heck is going on these days with the banks? More and more issues are arising with our nations banks causing concern for the investing public. On August 17, 2009 I wrote an article entitled The Banking Crisis is Far From Over. I wanted to make people aware of what was really going on in the banking industry as …

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Why The Price Of Gold Could Move Lower Short Term

It goes against all conventional wisdom for a gold dealer to caution investors on the price of gold and silver moving lower. There are literally trillions of reasons why the price of gold and silver will move higher in the years to come, including a multitude of unsustainable future government obligations. But from a short term perspective I have seen …

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Why Does Harvard Economics Professor Call Gold a High Risk, Highly Volatile Investment?

In my continued exposure of those who write articles that misrepresent gold I’ve run across an article written recently by former Ronald Reagan chief economic adviser and current Harvard Economics Professor, Martin Feldstein called “Is Gold a Good Hedge?”

I will dissect Feldstein’s article that is full of what I believe to be deliberate misinformation to confuse readers as to what gold truly represents in today’s economic and investment climate.

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Gold Is Not Falling

Recent purchasers of Gold are upset lately with the 8.5% drop in the U.S. Dollar price of gold this week. But what most of these buyers don’t understand is that gold stayed the same. It was what gold is priced in that changed.

That’s right. Gold is just a shiny rock as all the Gold naysayers like to say. It didn’t change in the last week. It’s still a shiny rock. But the U.S. Dollar appreciated of late thus causing the U.S. Dollar price of Gold to fall. To understand this further read on…

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