
Which Has Been Better since 1975, Gold or Savings at Bank?

With banks paying very little interest these days, investors have been seeking out ways to earn more than the paltry less than 1/2 percent that banks are paying on savings. The Federal Reserve has kept interest rates artificially low, hurting those seniors and other savers who don’t trust the stock or bond market with their nest egg. But some of …

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We Are Not Off to the Races Yet With Gold

Gold has had a nice bounce now off the bottom set in December of 2013, but are we off to the races just yet? Here is what I wrote last month where I concluded  “we could go higher from here for a bit to trap more of the bulls who say the bottom is in.” We should start to see …

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Gold and Dollar Down but Both Will Rise Next Year

As I pointed out in my last article, I expected continued selling of gold by the big boys; the Hedge Funds, Mutual Funds and Professional traders and they didn’t disappoint. The largest ETF; SPDR Gold Shares (GLD) saw an outflow of 12.9 metric tons last week. From Kitco; Holdings of gold by SPDR Gold Shares (GLD), the world’s largest exchange-traded …

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Fed Quantitative Easing Coming to an End Sooner than Expected? Hardly!

The results of the Fed decision came in. No taper. But the stock market sold off that day and so did gold. Why? The answer may be found in the following article posted at CNBC where they state; “but markets interpreted language in the decision to mean that the end may come sooner than expected.” If markets and price action tell …

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Calling the Fed Taper Bluff and What Gold Might Do Next

The price of gold could be affected by next weeks Fed meeting as they decide whether or not to taper the Quantitative Easing purchases they have been making in their attempt to buy up the toxic assets of the banks and the treasuries that no one else will buy. Ever since the talk of tapering by Bernanke in June of …

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Sticking With Stronger Dollar and Weaker Gold Through End of Year

Being one of the few out there who sells gold and has called gold lower since September of 2011 when the dollar hit bottom, and having called a summer rally most recently in June, I turned cautious on August 12th for short term traders, expecting a bounce in the dollar. The double top for gold has turned into an extended …

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Conversation with Axel Merk on Gold and Euro at FreedomFest – Merk Funds

Last week I was at FreedomFest in Las Vegas and met many who are influential in the advising of what investors should do with their money. I met hedge fund manager and author Jim Rogers, Steve Forbes, editor-in-chief of business magazine Forbes, John Stossel and Sentator Rand Paul. I gave each of them the currency I created called the Barackazillion, …

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Nice Run Up In Gold and Silver Prices – Expect a Pullback

I am spending the next month in seclusion except for gold and silver business, and writing my next book, “Illusions of Wealth” which the timing for couldn’t be better. I will still post articles now and then relevant to the gold and silver markets, but only when I feel necessary to comment. One who invests in gold and silver, need …

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Gold and Silver Dead Cat Bounce and More Carnage to Come or All In?

Last week we saw some real carnage in the gold and silver markets. In two days, April 12 and April 15, we saw the price of gold fall over $200 and many in the financial media came out of the woodwork saying the gold bull was over.  Since that time we have had a move off the low of $1,322 reached …

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Gold and Silver Doom and Gloom or Crack Up Boom?

Over the past year and a half, I have written many articles on investing in gold and silver, and been one of the few who have told clients continually to dollar cost average into a position during this time-frame, hoping the price goes lower so they get an overall better price. I have been one of the few gold dealers who have …

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