In Part 1 of Turning Paper Into Gold I wrote about the flaws of some ETFs like GLD that are really a proxy to gold, but not actually ownership of gold. In other words, it’s paper gold. The real question that Part 1 asks is, do you trust the ETF to redeem your shares when the prospectus is so full …
Read MoreWhen There Is Blood On The Streets Buy Gold Part 2
Continued from Part 1 Most reading this might not realize that the Fed secretly gave banks and other countries $7.7 trillion during the 2008 financial crisis. The Federal Reserve and the big banks fought for more than two years to keep details of the largest bailout in U.S. history a secret. Now, the rest of the world can see …
Read MoreWhen There Is Blood On The Streets Buy Gold Part 1
Are those that bought gold and silver panicking yet? I would hope not. My advice to dollar cost average into a position is paying off as my prediction of a stronger dollar is coming to fruition. But there are some investors who bought gold or silver the past few months that might be panicking. There is a possibility the blood …
Read MoreWill The 40 Year Pattern Of Lower Gold Prices In August Hold True?
[hs_action id=”3681″] The bickering by Congress over the U.S. debt ceiling has caused the price of gold and silver to bounce a little higher for the month of July. I had expected Congress to come to a conclusion and a return to normalcy, and the bickering between both sides has only caused consumers to lose faith in their efforts and …
Read More0Why The Price Of Gold Could Move Lower Short Term
It goes against all conventional wisdom for a gold dealer to caution investors on the price of gold and silver moving lower. There are literally trillions of reasons why the price of gold and silver will move higher in the years to come, including a multitude of unsustainable future government obligations. But from a short term perspective I have seen …
Read More0What Will Gold Do Next? 2011 Predictions
Why Is the U.S. Dollar Price of Gold Falling?
Let’s face it. With yield on treasuries and CD’s so low, those who have lived off of the interest from their various investments have seen their income fall considerably. To prevent having to dip into principal and deplete one’s savings, investors are now choosing to put their money in financial instruments that offer a better return.
But is gold still a good investment?
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