
Why Does Harvard Economics Professor Call Gold a High Risk, Highly Volatile Investment?

In my continued exposure of those who write articles that misrepresent gold I’ve run across an article written recently by former Ronald Reagan chief economic adviser and current Harvard Economics Professor, Martin Feldstein called “Is Gold a Good Hedge?”

I will dissect Feldstein’s article that is full of what I believe to be deliberate misinformation to confuse readers as to what gold truly represents in today’s economic and investment climate.

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Dave Ramsey Doesn’t Know the First Thing About Gold

The advice from Dave Ramsey is to “only invest in something that has a good long-term track record.” Well Dave, in case you didn’t know, gold has over a 5,000 year track record. Is that a long enough track record for you?

The U.S. Dollar on the other hand has only a 38 year track record without gold backing.

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DOW 10,000 In 2009 Is NOT the Same as DOW 10,000 In 1999 – It Buys You 23.8% Less Today

“DOW 10,000 (version) 2.0,” but is it really a better version, or even the same version as DOW 10,000 of 1999?

What most don’t realize is that the DOW 10,000 of 3/12/99 was worth more in terms of purchasing power than DOW 10,000 10/14/09 by a whopping 23.8%. Why? Because the dollar index has fallen 23.8% since March of 1999.

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How Gold Would Be Used In Hyperinflation

Gold, during the time of a hyperinflation scenario, unlike paper money, would be “perceived” as having value as it has for centuries. The U.S. dollar however, wouldn’t have any perceived value under this scenario. So a better question to answer would be, what would you use as a medium of exchange sans gold since no one will want U.S. dollars?

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Gold and the EURO Connection; Another Nail in the U.S. Dollar Coffin?

Another story was developing at this time; the EURO had bounced off its lows and become a much stronger currency. As the dollar was sinking from its high in 2002, and the uncertainty of what affect Central Bank sales would have on the price of gold, the EURO became the only other “safe haven” in the mind of those who were looking to get out of the dollar.

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