Every time silver gets to a point where it is about to break out, it has a retreat in price. The old adage that we have heard for years is, “this time it’s different!” But silver keeps disappointing. Well, this time I really do think it is different and I have been harping on silver since I started writing my …
Read MoreLast Time Bank Offered Depositors Sign Up Bonuses Silver Soared
Banks are at it again offering bonuses to depositors in a dash for more cash approach not seen since the last financial crisis. Skip to the silver analysis at the end if you are in a hurry. The Financial crisis ended by 2011 but this may come to many as a surprise, that there have been 212 bank failures since …
Read MoreMany investors try and say silver is a bad investment because the stock market has outperformed silver depending of course on your starting date. But this comparison of the two is a false pretense as silver is money and the stock market is investing in companies that try to earn a profit each year. But let’s analyze this a bit …
Read MoreIf you wanted to destroy the currency of a nation, there is no better way to do it than collectively have other nations band together and create their own monetary system and shun the dollar. That’s exactly what BRICS, an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are doing. But it doesn’t stop there. Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, …
Read MoreAs many of you know, I have called the short term on gold and silver pretty well over the last 7 months when I started blogging again after a 3 year do nothing metals market. The game has changed. Metals and miners are the place to be, not an overpriced stock market that is destined to disappoint many over the …
Read MoreStill at Buy Low for Silver and Gold While Government Spending Reaches Panic Levels
I know many investors out there are hesitant to buy silver because it has lagged the market the last decade. I get it. But as I have pointed out, silver is insurance against your dollar based portfolio. If the dollar falls, and presently it is, silver maintains its purchasing power and thus buoys your portfolio. You can see the dollar …
Read MoreHow To Buy Gold and Silver in an IRA
Many investors are not aware that you can invest in gold and silver through your IRA with an IRA transfer from your current bank or brokerage account. Or if you have a 401k from a prior company, a 401k rollover into a precious metals IRA can be done by filling out a few forms. Many investors know why gold and …
Read MoreCOSTCO Sells Gold Bars But Doesn’t Buy Them Back – We Do and Sell Them Cheaper Too
There’s been a huge media push about COSTCO selling gold bars of late. In fact, the articles declare that COSTCO is selling $200 million of gold bars a month at a limit of 5 gold bars per member. Below is their current promotion. I captured the spot price at the time of pricing this item as well as what Buy …
Read MoreWill the Dollar Crash?
This article will dive into the question on whether the dollar will crash as so many have predicted over the years. What it will point out is what I wrote about in my book Illusions of Wealth, that all fiat currencies eventually go to zero. Why? Because governments screw them up. But for now, the dollar is still king of …
Read MoreWhy You Should Have 50% of Net Worth In Gold Today
When you see someone write an article with a title like this, putting 50% of your wealth into precious metals, mainstream financial media would typically criticize the heck out of such a strategy. But allow me to explain the reasoning for such a strategy, and to critique mainstream financial media and the “status quo” at the same time. First off, …
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