
Failed European Bank Stress Tests Offer Even More Reasons To Own Physical Gold and Silver

One by one, country by country, the Eurozone’s PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain) are succumbing to the excesses of the credit expansion era that saw out of control government spending and banks lending to businesses and consumers who now can’t pay the loans back. At the same time, the traditional way banks make profit has also disappeared as …

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If Inflation Is So Rampant, Why Have Treasuries and Gold Both Been So Strong?

As many of you who read my articles know, I call things like I see them. If this means going against the norm sometimes, so be it. What I see from your typical gold bulls is the same inflation mantra and the shouts to “buy gold because of all the inflation,” with inflation defined as an increase in the money …

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Why The Price Of Gold Could Move Lower Short Term

It goes against all conventional wisdom for a gold dealer to caution investors on the price of gold and silver moving lower. There are literally trillions of reasons why the price of gold and silver will move higher in the years to come, including a multitude of unsustainable future government obligations. But from a short term perspective I have seen …

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Dollar vs. Gold In A Dual Inflation-Deflation Economy Part 2

Continued from Part 1 Deflation In Real Estate Meanwhile, on the deflation side, we have real estate declining in price for four years and on the verge of falling further. Banks still aren’t lending and still aren’t marking to market the real value of their assets. Do people really believe that these assets are going to go back to their …

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Dollar vs. Gold In A Dual Inflation-Deflation Economy Part 1

Every time you hear “the dollar’s down” or “the dollar’s up,” what exactly does that mean? If they say the dollar is currently trading at 76.54, as it is today, what does that tell you about the relative strength of the dollar or its purchasing power? The truth is, it doesn’t tell you much at all. I began to make …

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Gold; The Current and Future One World Currency

Every once in awhile I will get someone who calls in and asks whether I think there will be a one world currency. They get this idea from listening to certain individuals that prey on the fears of people. Even noted perma-gold bull Jim Sinclair has said there is a one world currency coming. I say we already have two …

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Many Financial Advisors Still Ignorant of Gold’s Place In A Diversified Portfolio Part 1

What the financial services industry did was take the stable asset of gold and tried to replace it with the U.S. dollar. The financial advisors were led to believe that the U.S. dollar is a “risk free” asset, when throughout history, only gold has never gone to zero in value.

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