
Do You Buy Real Estate Now or Wait? Part 2/3

Government and Fed intervention wreaks havoc in the real estate market. We have historically low interest rates to consider whether to buy real estate now or wait.

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Why Does Harvard Economics Professor Call Gold a High Risk, Highly Volatile Investment?

In my continued exposure of those who write articles that misrepresent gold I’ve run across an article written recently by former Ronald Reagan chief economic adviser and current Harvard Economics Professor, Martin Feldstein called “Is Gold a Good Hedge?”

I will dissect Feldstein’s article that is full of what I believe to be deliberate misinformation to confuse readers as to what gold truly represents in today’s economic and investment climate.

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The Odds of Recession Is Over Version 2.0 Occurring Are as Likely as People Realizing Michael Moore is a Capitalist

When I hear Mark Haines call a market top or one of the other CNBC cheerleaders admit we’re in a secular bear market, I’ll change my mind about them. I won’t hold my breath…. But ask yourself one question… What are the world’s wealthy doing right now?

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