
Gold and the Carry Trade: Rogers vs. Roubini, Who’s Right?

So why does Roubini hate gold? Because he’s a Keynesian Government loving professor at NYU and former advisor to the U.S. Treausry Department. Show me a professor at a University that likes gold, outside of the Austrians, and I’ll listen to what they have to say. Otherwise, remember where the professors bread is buttered.

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The Gold Price and the Problem With Elliott Wave Theory

But the Elliott Wave folks miss one thing when they do their prognosticating, and that is “the unexpected.” In a perfect world with no outside influence, the ABCD patterns of Elliott Wave Theory seem to fall in place naturally. But Elliott Wave Theory doesn’t take into account external influences that can affect these patterns like what occurred earlier this week.

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DOW 10,000 In 2009 Is NOT the Same as DOW 10,000 In 1999 – It Buys You 23.8% Less Today

“DOW 10,000 (version) 2.0,” but is it really a better version, or even the same version as DOW 10,000 of 1999?

What most don’t realize is that the DOW 10,000 of 3/12/99 was worth more in terms of purchasing power than DOW 10,000 10/14/09 by a whopping 23.8%. Why? Because the dollar index has fallen 23.8% since March of 1999.

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Is Gold Peaking For Now?

Gold has broken to a new high, but the dollar index has not confirmed. Until the dollar index breaks below its March 2008 low of 72, I’d be cautious with being long gold mining stocks at the present time.

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Forbes and WSJ Attack Gold; My Reply Ignored by Forbes Journalist

At least so far, Joshua Zumbrun from Forbes has chosen not to post my reply that disagrees with his perspective. Since I know that many of these bashers of gold won’t post my replies, explaining to them where they are mistaken about gold, I make sure and do a screen print to show that I have in fact replied but they have chosen not to post that reply. Then I expose them here on my blog.

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Advisor Responds to my Comments About His Negative Gold Article

In my continual efforts to challenge investment advisors and journalists about the need to diversify with gold, a pleasant surprise developed today… advisor responded!

Even though the title of his article is misleading, Larry Swedroe, principal and the director of research for Buckingham Asset Management and BAM Advisor Services, did respond to my comments about his CBS Money Watch article; “Don’t Believe the Hype About Gold.”

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