
Why Is the U.S. Dollar Price of Gold Falling?

Let’s face it. With yield on treasuries and CD’s so low, those who have lived off of the interest from their various investments have seen their income fall considerably. To prevent having to dip into principal and deplete one’s savings, investors are now choosing to put their money in financial instruments that offer a better return.

But is gold still a good investment?

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Gold Below $500 an Ounce?

Gold today is nowhere near bubble status just because there may be many ads on TV trying to get people to turn gold into cash. This current fall in the price of gold isn’t the popping of a bubble because of a temporary dollar rise either. Anyone who understands the economics of it all knows this.

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Money Magazine and a CFA Criticize Gold With Flawed Analysis

As is typical of those who try and criticize gold as a necessary ingredient of a well diversified portfolio, they use flawed analysis in coming to their conclusion. This article will go into depth as to why their analysis is flawed in my continued effort to bring the truth about gold to the public.

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Gold and the Carry Trade: Rogers vs. Roubini, Who’s Right?

So why does Roubini hate gold? Because he’s a Keynesian Government loving professor at NYU and former advisor to the U.S. Treausry Department. Show me a professor at a University that likes gold, outside of the Austrians, and I’ll listen to what they have to say. Otherwise, remember where the professors bread is buttered.

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Forbes and WSJ Attack Gold; My Reply Ignored by Forbes Journalist

At least so far, Joshua Zumbrun from Forbes has chosen not to post my reply that disagrees with his perspective. Since I know that many of these bashers of gold won’t post my replies, explaining to them where they are mistaken about gold, I make sure and do a screen print to show that I have in fact replied but they have chosen not to post that reply. Then I expose them here on my blog.

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