Everyone once in awhile I’ll run across someone who thinks they know it all and will say something like, “The DOW has outperformed gold since the year 1900 and has not been a good store of value.” There are blatant problems with this kind of statement as the following comments will show. The Price Of Gold Was Fixed From 1913 …
Read More0Mar
Why The Price Of Gold Could Move Lower Short Term
By: Doug Eberhardt
Category: Gold
Tags: austerity, EURO, gold predictions, Pound, Price of Gold, U.S. Dollar Index, YEN
It goes against all conventional wisdom for a gold dealer to caution investors on the price of gold and silver moving lower. There are literally trillions of reasons why the price of gold and silver will move higher in the years to come, including a multitude of unsustainable future government obligations. But from a short term perspective I have seen …
Read More0Feb