The video below is living proof that CNBC journalists don’t understand gold. While some in the video have gone on to other jobs or have passed on, they have been part of a trend at CNBC of continued ignorance along with other financial advisors as to how gold fits into a diversified portfolio. Most of this ignorance comes from their adherence to a flawed Modern Portfolio Theory that relies on the “risk free” asset, the U.S. dollar. The U.S. dollar is NOT risk free and the fact that gold has risen over 500% in U.S. dollar terms the last 10 years is ignored by those at CNBC and elsewhere.
Watch the video and see for yourself….
As mentioned in the video, I have continually been challenging journalists, CFP’s, CFA’s, Bob Pisani, Nouriel Roubini, Morningstar, Money Magazine (the last two years they have called gold a bubble), NY Times, Harvard Professors, Forbes, the Wall Street Journal etc. etc. on their continued negative articles on gold.
The truth of the matter is, gold is here to stay and should be a part of everyone’s portfolio as it “insures” one’s portfolio’s U.S. dollar risk (U.S. stocks, U.S. corporate bonds, U.S. government bonds, U.S. Treasuries, U.S. CD’s, etc.).
I will continue to expose the flawed logic of those who don’t understand gold’s place in a properly diversified portfolio on my blog. Be sure to sign up for my Newsletter on the home page of Buy Gold and Silver Safely.
June 2009
Gold: Why Doesn’t Your Financial Advisor Recommend It?
July 2009
Gold Investment Bashers Won’t Respond to Critique
Challenging Financial Advisors on the Need to Diversify Into Gold
September 2009
Media Bias Against Gold From MSN Money and AJC
October 2009
Do CFP’s Understand the Need to Diversify Portfolios With Gold?
More Gold Bashers Challenged – I Post Comments to Their Articles – Few Reply
Forbes and WSJ Attack Gold; My Reply Ignored by Forbes Journalist
October 2009
CFA Calls Gold a “Lousy Investment” – Sorry, Gold Is Insurance Against a Declining Dollar
Gold and the Carry Trade: Rogers vs. Roubini, Who’s Right?
Is Prechter’s “Conquer the Crash” Now Relevant? Maybe So… In a Perfect World
December 2009
Why Does Harvard Economics Professor Call Gold a High Risk, Highly Volatile Investment?
Dave Ramsey Doesn’t Know the First Thing About Gold
Bloomberg and The Think Your Money Is Better Off in the Bank than in Gold
Gold and Silver: Jim Rogers Does NOT Win Over Peter Schiff
January 2010
Money Magazine and a CFA Criticize Gold With Flawed Analysis
February 2010
Two Faced Soros Says Gold Is the Ultimate Bubble
March 2010
Is Gerald Celente Right About the “Crash of 2010?”
Dennis Gartman Flip Flopping On Gold and U.S. Dollar
May 2010
7 Reasons Real Estate Is A Better Investment Than Gold: Rebuttal
September 2010
Glenn Beck vs. Rep. Anthony Weiner, Who’s Right? An Insider’s View Into the Gold Dealer Industry
December 2010
CNBC Bob Pisani’s 2011 “Gold Bubble” Prediction Nonsense
January 2011
Money Magazine Joins The 2011 Gold Bubble Crowd – Deja Vu
February 2011
Many Financial Advisors Still Ignorant of Gold’s Place In A Diversified Portfolio Part 1
April 2011
Morningstar Joins The Anti-Gold Crowd
NY Times Says The Precious Metals Bubble Looks Set To Be Pricked
May 2011
CFA Claims 3 Myths That Will Pop the Gold Bubble But Does Not Reply To My Critique
Buying The Dip In Silver and More Conversations With CFA’s And Bubble Forecasters
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Doug Eberhardt is a 28 year financial services veteran and precious metals broker selling gold and silver at 1% over wholesale cost. Doug has written a book to help investors understand how gold and silver fit into a diversified portfolio, how to buy gold and silver, and what metals to buy. The book; “Buy Gold and Silver Safely” is available by clicking here Contact phone number for Buy Gold and Silver Safely is 888-604-6534
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