Below you will find the latest version of our ETF Research Analysis. Enjoy the commentary.
Today’s gold move above $1120 is just what the doctor ordered. That and the move I have wanted with the dollar below 97. A perfect storm for gold and gold mining stocks. We have had 16 stocks trigger long for the gold and silver Mining Package we have. I won’t tell whether or not I am telling subscribers whether this is a trade or a buy and hold. For those who are interested in this service, look for an announcement next week where we will be offering a time sensitive discount for the Mining Package. Sorry to be this way, but I have to protect the hard work that I put into these reports. I know my subscribers are doing well and that’s what matters to me.
I know of other organizations, and hedge funds too, where they take your money, invest it for you, take 40% of the profits and give you the rest. I’m taking a small fee and giving you the rest. If you know how I run my businesses, you know with gold and silver I don’t sell the types of coins that all other gold companies get rich off of and buy the TV and Radio time to trap uneducated buyers of gold and silver. I only sell gold and silver bullion and you keep the profits. So it is with the Mining Package and ETF Research Analysis. If we have a win/win situation, then everyone is happy. Glenn Beck is happy pushing his listeners towards a company that was fined $4.5 million by the Santa Monica city attorney. He still represents them because he is getting rich off of them. Glenn Beck is a hypocrite. I didn’t get a chance to see him walk by my booth at FreedomFest, but I would have asked for a picture and while the picture was being taken, tell him, “You know you’re a hypocrite, right?” and then tell him how he sold out his listeners to an unscrupulous gold dealer. Little does he know I am one of the reasons why the Santa Monica city attorney won his case which was explained in Chapter 8 of my first book where I rip apart most of the gold dealers in the United States and their tactics.
ETF Research Trading Analysis 8-12-2015
Yesterday I said of all the trades, the gold mining stocks look the most promising and today you were rewarded. All of the ones I have had on the one to watch list have now turned green and we’ll see how far we can ride them. Now you know why you take the small losses taking stabs at these, because they can run quickly when the tide turns.
In particular I pointed out JNUG on buying the dip and then trading the higher highs. Yesterday I said this; “JNUG buying the dip has worked. I had said that one could sit all day and buy the dips of some of these types of plays. JNUG, as long as it is not hitting a lower low, but higher highs throughout the day, is one of those you can do well with.” Today JNUG was up 24% today and you could have bought the retreats all day long and made a killing, or just have held it all day long and made a killing.
Anytime you get 20% or more in one day, yes, it can be followed by further gains, but there can be reversals. If you see a lower low you can at least sell half and lock in profit. Watch the price of gold and dollar and see if they are still correlating. Please note the mining and metal ETFs have not turned green on the monthly. I am excited about a day like today, but I know the bottom for gold and silver is not in and I am simply enjoying this ride up. We’ve seen it many times in the past few years.
I did say I was long UWTI, and I rode it up a little and sold at 1.20 pre-market and well before the report came out. The report wasn’t that great for oil yet UWTI, after falling a bit finished flat at 1.18. DWTI did break 160 again shortly after the report before falling the rest of the day to 155.39. Right now I wouldn’t want to go long either, but DWTI still is green on the monthly and that can’t be ignored. I would only buy UWTI if it broke 1.20 and I would do it with large shares, 10,000 or more and only scalp it.
Yesterday I said we need to get over $1,120 on gold as our next target. $1,120 before $1,100. Today we got it. The rest is up to you now in keeping stops and taking profit. Only you know how greedy you are! Or how conservative you are. If we turn green on the monthly though, we can ride the wave a bit longer. Looking at JNUG, it may struggle at 14, so use that as your guide for the others and again, look at gold and the dollar. It was an ugly dollar chart today.
YANG gave us the higher high today but it was only a point and fell with the market recoveries occurring everywhere. .
DWTI and UWTI see above.
ERY we were out 2 days ago and it lost 5.38% again today. ERX I said to be a buyer on a break of 38.66 and it opened at 37.99 and got to 38.66 where you could have bought and rode it to 40.95. It closed at 40.66. I would have scalped only.
UGAZ was a buy over 2.13 but it opened up at 2.21 and it closed at 2.28. You may have still bought at the open and it is green on the weekly looking for a run. If you are scalping these, the odds are better on a green day to just buy the dips. This could have been done today if until the last hour of trading where you would have finally got stopped out. Past 2.30 I would be long UGAZ looking for 2.43 and past that, load the boat.
TQQQ had a wild ride today, but no entries. This volatility today pushed most everyone out of their positions. That’s why you must take profit when handed to you on many below.
Neither UVXY or SVXY were plays unless you took a risk and bought
FAS never triggered and is red, but I still kind of like it and would be a buyer over 33.90 tomorrow.
RUSS gave the higher high and is green now on the weekly and monthly. I would attempt a long over 41.87 only though.
TZA was volatile again. Tough to play.
EDZ opened over a dollar above the 42.06 target and would have been tough to play.
DXD you may have bought after it opened 22 cents higher than our target and could have been scalped still. Another volatile day though but it is green on the monthly.
SDOW I said to buy over 20.14 and it opened at 2044 and went to 20.90 where you may have scalped. Closed down on the day though.
TWM was a buy over 37.26 and the most attractive being that it opened only 9 cents higher and moved to 38.29 for almost a point one could have had. It then fell like all the others.
TLT gave 55 cents back today. started the day nicely and kept going higher before crashing like all in the above section later in the day. Still like it longer term.
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Doug Eberhardt is a 28 year financial services veteran and precious metals broker selling gold and silver at 1% over wholesale cost. Doug has written a book to help investors understand how gold and silver fit into a diversified portfolio, how to buy gold and silver, and what metals to buy. The book; “Buy Gold and Silver Safely” is available by clicking here Contact phone number for Buy Gold and Silver Safely is 888-604-6534
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All trades, patterns, charts, systems, etc. discussed in this outlook and the product materials are for illustrative purposes only and not to be construed as specific advisory recommendations. All ideas and material presented are entirely those of the author.