It looks like’s Valerie Young came out with an article; “6 Gold and Silver Coins to Buy as Long-Term Investments — And Then Some” where she recommended Gold Proof sets for the Eagles and Buffalo’s along with Jacqueline Kennedy First Spouse Series Proof coins and expensive (although she calls it cheaper) 5 ounce silver coins and finally what she calls a “Walking liberty” coin but is actually an American Eagle coin.–and-then-some.html
She puts links in the article to the U.S. Mint where the coins are for sale. For example, she links to the American Eagle coin on sale for $39.95 here:
Our company sells at current spot price the same American Eagle for $3 – $3.25 (depending on supplier) over spot plus commission (premiums move higher or lower if you are reading this and subject to change). The spot price is presently $14.88 and we are selling the American Eagles for $18.15. Let me repeat; U.S. Mint $39.95 and we sell the same coins for less than half the price. Maybe that’s what the author meant when she added at the end of her title; “and then some.”
But what’s worse is the fact that I commented on the article and 3 days later my comments are still pending. See screenshot below:
Valerie Young and for promoting this junk proof coins are not in your best interest as an investor in gold and silver and simply don’t know a thing about the gold and silver industry and lastly are biased against those who comment on their articles in disagreement.
I wrote an article in 2013 warning investors not to buy gold and silver proof coins as a means to profit.
The Problem With Buying Gold And Silver Proof Coins In Your IRA
The way to buy gold and silver is to buy as close to spot as possible. What is doing by claiming expertise on what to buy is ridiculous.
If you want to buy low cost gold and silver coins, check out our prices here:
We scour the internet and our competitors each week and simply undercut them in price.
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Doug Eberhardt is a 28 year financial services veteran and precious metals broker selling gold and silver at 1% over wholesale cost. Doug has written a book to help investors understand how gold and silver fit into a diversified portfolio, how to buy gold and silver, and what metals to buy. The book; “Buy Gold and Silver Safely” is available by clicking here Contact phone number for Buy Gold and Silver Safely is 888-604-6534
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