For those that don’t know, the article I was to be quoted in for the NY Times on Sept. 26, 2010 has been postponed.
I will make an announcement when it appears. My guess is it won’t be too long and more than likely before the November election. I think I know their reasoning but will just be patient.
UPDATE 9/29/2010:
Part of the reasoning for the NY Times not running the article on Goldline and of course slanting it as anti-Glenn Beck, is because of today’s NY Times article; Being Glenn Beck. You can’t have a negative article come out before a story that Beck is being interviewed for right?
This is a political ploy on behalf of the NY Times. They want to set Beck up with a piece on who he is, the fact he has no education, but seems to have a 2 million following and is more popular than Hannity and O’Reilly.
The only mention of his association with gold dealers, not Goldline in particular, was this paragraph;
“On Fox News in early September, Beck stood in a mock doorway painted gold. When the country’s economic system reaches “the point of insanity,” he said, it is wise to invest in gold. “Gold prices are climbing,” Beck said, a point buttressed throughout the hour by advertisements from gold dealers. On the other side of the golden doorway is where things get really scary, he said. Who knows what dark, apocalyptic things are there? “Is it bullets?” Beck wondered. “Is it whiskey? Is it cigarettes?””
Why would they mention this in the article? Why point out that his show is “buttressed throughout the hour by advertisements from gold dealers”?
I believe it is all a set up to get people talking about Beck from the left and right, and then, all of a sudden, an announcement comes out from the Santa Monica city attorney saying they are taking Goldline to court, and thus all the press will jump on this as Glenn Beck is tied to Goldline and an avid supporter.
It is simply a political move to discredit the right.
Stay tuned.
In the meantime, you can get the inside scoop on the gold dealer tactics by reading my book; “Buy Gold and Silver Safely” and of course you’ll learn how to buy gold and silver and what I recommend for people to buy, among many other things related to the economy today and what to expect in the future. I really did spend a lot of time putting the pieces of the puzzle together for you and I reveal them in Chapter 4.
Here is the Table of Contents;
Introduction……………………………………………………………………………… ix
PART I – GOLD………………………………………………………………………… 1
Chapter 1 “Federal Reserve, Congress, Banking and Financial
Services Industry Madness; The Truth about the U.S.
Dollar and Gold”………………………………………………….. 3
Chapter 2 A Brief History of Gold and Federal
Reserve Notes ……………………………………………………. 36
Chapter 3 Flaws of the Financial Services Industry ……………….. 43
Chapter 4 Credit Expansion->Inflation->Bubble Bursts->
Recession>Government Intervention->
Unemployment->Credit Contraction
and Deflation->Banking Crisis->
Hyperinflation->Depression ………………………………… 51
Chapter 5 Common Objections to Buying Gold ………………….. 124
Chapter 6 How Does Gold Fit Into A Diversified Portfolio?…. 143
Chapter 7 Types of Gold Investments ………………………………… 159
Chapter 8 Who Is Recommending Gold and Why? ……………… 186
Chapter 9 Physical Gold – A Must For Every Portfolio and Gold
Investment Grid ……………………………………………….. 203
Chapter 10 How Do You Store Your Gold?………………………….. 213
Chapter 11 Places To Purchase Physical Gold………………………. 218
Chapter 12 Investing in Gold With an IRA or 401(k)…………….. 221
Chapter 13 Where To Sell Gold ………………………………………….. 225
PART II – SILVER ………………………………………………………………… 227
Chapter 14 Silver: The Other Precious Metal ……………………….. 229
Chapter 15 Silver Uses, Supply and Demand ……………………….. 235
Chapter 16 Silver Is Money Today………………………………………. 243
Chapter 17 Gold/Silver Ratios…………………………………………….. 246
Chapter 18 Types of Silver to Invest In………………………………… 247
Chapter 19 How to Profit By Investing in Silver …………………… 253
Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………. 259
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Doug Eberhardt is a 28 year financial services veteran and precious metals broker selling gold and silver at 1% over wholesale cost. Doug has written a book to help investors understand how gold and silver fit into a diversified portfolio, how to buy gold and silver, and what metals to buy. The book; “Buy Gold and Silver Safely” is available by clicking here Contact phone number for Buy Gold and Silver Safely is 888-604-6534
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