There’s been a huge media push about COSTCO selling gold bars of late. In fact, the articles declare that COSTCO is selling $200 million of gold bars a month at a limit of 5 gold bars per member. Below is their current promotion. I captured the spot price at the time of pricing this item as well as what Buy …
CNBC Gold Bubble Video Clips FAIL Compilation
By: Doug Eberhardt
Category: Gold
Tags: clips, CNBC, Erin Burnett, fail, Gold, Mark Haines, Melissa Lee, video
I have over the years recorded many videos from CNBC for future use in showing how biased they have been against gold. While some of the people you see in this video have either passed away (Mark Haines) or are no longer with CNBC (Erin Burnett), they, among many others (like Melissa Lee) really haven’t done investors any favor by …
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