A few pictures paint a few trillion dollars….

Total cost of the bailout $9,801,818,000,000

(That’s $9.8 Trillion for those that can’t read such large numbers, like most of us)

US Bailout Total Cost

Federal Reserves Share of the $9.8 Trillion came to $6.048 Trillion Dispersed as Follows

US Bailout Federal Reserve Portion

Congress and White House Share of the $9.8 Trillion came to $2,466 Trillion Dispersed as Follows

(can you find TARP – because that’s the one most remember?)

US Bailout Agency Programs

FDIC Share of the $9.8 Trillion came to $926 Billion Dispersed as Follows

US Bailout FDIC Portion

Citigroup and Bank of America’s Share of the $9.8 Trillion came to $362 Billion Dispersed as Follows

US Bailout Citigroup BofA Portion

